
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road




Christopher Greaves

It’s Not Bragging If You’ve Got Proof

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

A CTV article , apparently reposted from WALLACE IMMEN at the Globe And Mail “ Getting the boss to pony up ” includes the text I have used as the title of this blog.

Solo entrepreneurs often have a tendency to belittle skills.

Indeed I suspect that solo entrepreneurs can be classified into two groups:

Group 1. Folks like me who are just passionate about what we do, have been doing it in one form or another all our lives, and will be happy to die in harness doing what we love.

Group 2. A smaller group who are passionate about money and have reasonable goals to retire in luxurious comfort sometime before they reach 40.

The second group gets early retirement because they hit on an idea and pursue it relentlessly, promoting it at every opportunity.

The first group (me included) focus on the back-room activities, and blush when someone asks us just how many documents we can process in an hour (about six thousand!), or how many pounds of worms it will take to digest 3 tons of cow manure per week.

But Then . . .

It is said that every prospect is hoping that the next meeting with a consultant – it could be you – is desperately hoping that THIS meeting provides the solution. They want a solution, so if we have measurable (quantified) proof and can replicate our results, we ought to be trumpeting the FACTS so that we can make that prospect happier sooner.

And our web site (mine is a disaster in this sense) should be an assembly of quantified facts, testimonials, and reproducible proof-of-concept demonstrations that will bring the prospect to comfort and confidence in our ability.

Talk to Me !

7092187927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Friday, November 27, 2020 6:46 PM

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